One signature of Springtime is the bloom of cherry blossoms.Festivals in Japan and the United States, Canada and Europe are usually plannedaround the sensory experience of enjoying these beautiful little pink flowers. Thisyear, in light of the current Coronavirus pandemic and mandated self-quarantine,several events worldwide have been canceled. However, ITO EN and Tea Forteoffer ways to celebrate the cherry blossoms of spring inside the home withtheir cherry blossom teas, which will bring the essence of the festivals intoteacups.
ITO EN’s Sakura Matsuri

ITO EN offers its Sakura Matsuri, which is a loose-leaf blendof green tea, with peppermint, rose petals and cherry blossom petals. It is alimited-edition blend that comes out only during spring’s cherry blossomseason. “Sakura Matsuri” translates to “Cherry Blossom Festival” in Japanese.
"Withso many working remotely and sheltering at home now, bringingthe spirit and taste of Spring can be uplifting during these challengingtimes,” said Rona Tison, Executive Vice President of Corporate Relations& PR. “In Japan,cherry blossoms represent a time of renewal and the fleeting nature of life."
Tison added, “The beautifulblossoms are reminder of the fragility and beauty of life. Flowerviewing started in the Heian period (794-1185) to enjoy admiring the cherryblossoms with family, friends and colleagues.”
Sakura Matsuri was initially offered by ITO EN a couple ofyears ago and was brought back by popular demand. It will be available whilesupplies last. Visit ITOEN.comto order.
The NationalCherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. was cancelled due to COVID-19,but the festival’s website offers a Virtual Festival.
The Trust forthe National Mall in Washington, D.C. has partnered with EarthCam toprovide a live BloomCam, which shows cherry blossoms during peak bloom.
Tea Forte’s Hanami Collection

Tea Forte offers its Cherry Blossom Hanami Tea, which isnamed after Japan’s annual cherry blossom festival. The blend of green tea,tart cherries and rose petals also won a silver medal in the 2018 Global TeaChampionship.
“Hanami” is the Japanese word for the custom of enjoyingseasonal flowers.
Tea Forte makes it easy to practice Hanami at home for everytype of tea enthusiast as the light, floral, fruity blend is available inloose-leaf cannisters, single steeps packets, and pyramid tea infusers. It isalso the perfect gift of the season in all of these formats.
Due to the great demand for and positive reviews of thistea, the company offers Cherry Blossom Hanami Tea year-round.
Visit TeaForte.comfor more details.