While energy drinks have been the star of the bottled beverage show for some time, Euromonitor International figures suggest that RTD (ready-to-drink) tea may actually be the product to watch.
Driven by substantial interest in Asia, and China in particular, RTD tea is expected to have faster growth than energy drinks have had. In 2013-14, energy drinks sales globally rose 8.7%, while tea saw 9.5% growth. In China, the growth of tea is expected to reach 17% even though in the United States RTD tea sales are declining.
Currently the energy drink market is still larger than tea, $30 billion versus $29.6 billion for tea, but increasing interest in healthy food and beverages may give tea another boost. Ewa Hudson, global head of health and wellness research at Euromonitor International noted in a statement, “Healthy food and beverages are once again outperforming their non-health and wellness counterparts.” The Euromonitor report suggested “naturally healthy RTD tea” growth of $14.5 billion over the next five years.
The entire sector of “health and wellness soft drinks” is increasingly popular with growing interest in waters, functional drinks and juices. Earlier this year Specialty Food News reported on this interest in sparkling water, coconut water and tea.
Last month World Tea News also looked at the impact single serve tea might have on the future of RTD.
Source: Beverage Daily