A survey of British tea drinkers finds they consume the equivalent of two bathtubs of tea annually and spend $20,000 (£12,500 ) over their lifetimes purchasing tea.
Tea drinkers consume an average 17 cups a day totaling 70 gallons (265 liters) annually, according to results compiled by the Dreams Come True Charity. The charity for sick children teamed up with YouGov Research to survey English, Scot, Irish and Welsh tea drinkers to promote its June Dream Tea fundraiser. Donations enable the charity to make children's dreams come true.
A report in the Irish Post revealed those over 55 drink two and a half times the amount of tea as those aged between 16 and 24.
“Interestingly, London boasts the least tea drinkers in Britain – consuming only two thirds of the amount of tea taken in the North of Ireland – yet spend the most on a cuppa, weighing out an average £15.94 a month per head in pursuit of a good brew,” according to the newspaper.
YouGov found 18-24 year-olds drink eight cups a week on average while those 55 and older drink an average 21 cups. Over half of all adults polled agreed that they associated a cup of tea with comfort with a majority stating they find tea drinking relaxing. A quarter of young people are likely to turn to a cup of tea when feeling sad and that a third of women will put a kettle on when feeling ill compared to 16% of men surveyed, according to The Telegraph.
Sources: Irish Post, The Telegraph