Commerce City, California-based International Tea Importers (ITI) recentlyformed a marketing partnership with the Colombia-based supplier AgricolaHimalaya, which since November 2016 has been promoting its flagshiporganic specialty brand Bitaco Tea. Through this co-marketingarrangement the companies agree to distribute a new specialty tea collectionacross the United States, Canada and Mexico. The Bitaco Tea Estate has beenoperating in the rural La Cumbre municipality in the foothills of the Andesmountains for nearly 60 years as the only tea grower in Colombia.

In 2016, The Bitaco Tea Estate underwent some changes after spendingfour years doing research and development. The estate converted its teaproduction from the cut-tear-curl method to orthodox. The company also switchedits entire farm and factory from conventional to organic cultivation and manufacturingpractices and obtained USDA certification. “It’s easy to be short-sighted, butBitaco has taken a 100 percent long-term view,” said Santiago Gonzales Dorado,Brand Manager at Agricola Himalaya.
Bitaco’s team learned the best ways of growing andprocessing white, green and black teas from experts from around the world.Traditional best practices were integrated with the characteristics ofColombia’s tropical climate, rich soil and natural spring water to produce topquality teas with the help of expert blenders, tea masters and cuppers.

“It has given them the opportunity to create some amazingteas,” said Bhavin Shah, CFO and Head of Strategy and Business Development atITI. “During my recent visit to the Bitaco Tea Estate, I had the opportunity tolearn first-hand about the supplier’s innovative approach to tea manufacturing.I was especially pleased to see their modern operations and best in class foodsafety procedures. We are thrilled to be able to bring this exquisite and high-qualityproduct to our customers.”
One such distinctive tea is Bitaco’s Black Tea Mocha, whichwas created for ITI. Another is the Tropical tea, which contains fruits nativeto Colombia.
“We want to let the tea industry know that Colombian teaexists, with ITI getting the product to consumers,” said Gonzales Dorado. ITIis importing, wholesaling and distributing Bitaco’s teas to its Mexico and U.S.operations, including Chado tearooms in the U.S. and the Sinensis tearoom inTijuana, Mexico. “We’re one of the largest wholesalers to tearooms,” said Shah.
Bitaco’s mission does not stop at producing quality organictea; the company also supports social programs such as daycares, schools,scholarship funds, and programs for entrepreneurs. Additionally, it prioritizesenvironmental sustainability and reforestation, giving away 30 – 40 thousandnative trees each year. The company is currently in the process of convertingto solar energy. “We will be 360 degrees sustainable in terms of social causesand the environment,” said Gonzales Dorado.
Later this year, ITI will offer a free all-expense paid tripto Colombia to the largest Bitaco tea buyer.

Andres Velasco, CEO of Agrícola Himalaya conveyedin a statement, “Bitaco is pleased to enter into a long-term partnership withITI to bring our unique and rare Colombian Specialty Tea into the U.S., Canada,and Mexico markets. With ITI’s reputation and marketing prowess we arecertain that our exceptional teas will be easier to order and will enjoy broadexposure to North America’s tea customers for years to come. We look forward tohosting the winners of the contest later this year and have the opportunity toshowcase the innovative tea manufacturing process at Bitaco Tea Estate as wellas the beauty and culture of Colombia.”
Bitaco Teas can currently be found in 25countries across Europe, Asia and North America.