Thanksgiving is this week and what better way is there tocomplement a traditional Thanksgiving feast than with tea? Here are some teasuggestions for Thanksgiving dinner.
To Accompany ThanksgivingDinner
Lydia Kung, owner of VerileafCurated Fine Teas, said, “One tea came to mind easily for the meal: anysingle trunk Oolong (dancong).These teas from trees have an inviting aroma once poured, offer layers offlavor, enough complexity, and a long finish of dried fruit.”
SmithTeamakerrecommends ZhenShan black tea or BaiHao Oolong tea to accompany the meal because both have strong flavor, but neitherwill overpower the flavors of the food. Additionally, the tea’s caffeinecontent could help counteract the tryptophan in turkey.
Davidson’s Organic Teas recommends its rich, golden-tipped SingellDarjeeling black tea to pair with turkey, smoked ham and smoked seafood.
To Accompany Dessert

To balance the sweetness of apple and pumpkin pies, Kungrecommends a Keemun black tea. Keemunblack teas are known for their mildly floral, slightly smoky aroma and mellowsmooth flavor. “It needs no sugar or lemon, and its almost winey charactermakes it a stand-alone tea,” said Kung, adding that Verileaf’s Holiday GreenTea with Cranberry, Orange and Cinnamon is a festive tea that also pairs wellwith desserts.
SmithTeamaker says its Bungalowblack tea, which is a blend of first and second flush Darjeeling teas, bringsout the carmelized sugar in pecan pie, and that its Meadowchamomile blend balances well with apple pie.
After the Meal
A perfect after dinner drink is ginger tea, which sooths thestomach, supports digestion, has anti-inflammatory properties and is also usedas a palate cleanser. The Republic of Tea’s BiodynamicGinger Tea contains 100% organic Biodynamic ginger.
Thanksgiving in a Cup
These autumnal teas are Thanksgiving in a cup.
For those who like more spice in their teas, The Republic ofTea’s PumpkinSpice Black Tea evokes the same feelings as a freshly baked pumpkindessert. Spices like nutmeg, cloves, cinnamon and allspice, add flavorful layersto this full-bodied black tea.
Adagio Tea’s Thanksgivingtea is an eclectic blend of black tea, raspberry leaves, natural cranberryflavor, cinnamon, natural hazelnut flavor, natural pumpkin spice flavor,ginger, cloves, marigold flowers and cardamom.
Add dairy or nut milks to these black teas to make creamy tealattes.
Rare Tea Cellar’s AutumnHarvest Cran-Apple tea offers a naturally caffeine-free alternative.