Rooibos means “red bush” in Afrikaans. The caffeine-free herb with low levels of tannin grows only in a tiny coastal area of South Africa’s Western Cape in harsh shrubland—making it unique in its origin, climate and flavor, which are not reproducible in other terroirs. Known for its natural sweetness and healthful properties, it possesses potential for market growth.
Oneof the main selling points of rooibos is its claimed health benefits, mostlyconvincing, though not scientifically proven. These are shared by green teas,but rooibos seems to have a wider range of wellness properties, with aroundtwice the concentration of anti-oxidants, several not found in tea or in herbalbeverages. Its other selling point is its complex flavor that is both a littlesweet, smoky and closer to a black tea than a green. (Detractors find ittobacco-like and woody.)
Themain health benefits that distinguish rooibos from the many caffeine-freeherbal teas and botanical wellness beverages come from its unique chemicalprofile. Hereare examples:
- Supports strongbones: Rooibos contains two flavonoids,orientin and luteolin, that increase the mineral content in bones.
- Helps in weight management, throughincreased leptin secretion. This “satietyhormone” helps your body know it has had enough to eat.
- Treats allergies: Rooibos isespecially rich in the super-antioxidant quercetin, which is reported to block immune cells critical in triggering allergicreactions.
- Keeps skinand hair vital: Alpha hydroxy acid is higher inrooibos tea than other foods. Alpha hydroxyacid helps in reducing skin wrinkles.
- Nurtures vascularsystem: Aspalathin and nothofagin have measurableeffects on inflammation of the entire vascular system. They are thought to bekey in treating possible complications from diabetes relating to the heart. Aspalathinis found only in rooibos and no other food or beverage.
The market

Thoughsales are growing consistently and reputation rapidly, the U.S. has been alaggard in rooibos imports. Of South Africa’s shipments of 16,000 metric tons, arecord 2,000 went to Japan in 2018. Germany and the Netherlands account foralmost half the imports. Figures for the USA are unreliable, with widevariations in reports. In 2016, it constituted just 5percent of South Afridan rooibos exports. Much of the sales are frombulk rooibos exported from Germany. Prices are increasing rapidly, as a resultof severe drought.
Themain point of leveragein the value chain seems to be retailers. The product base isestablished, with a strong body of customer affidavits. The tea fits easilyinto the three major growth trends in beverages: innovation and variety inflavors, botanical ingredients, and functional wellness drinks. Obvious closersof the awareness gaps are: store section and shelf placement (dietary teas,health drinks), free sampling—rooibos is best marketed through experience, anda clarification of the health benefits, taste complexity and appeal.
SOURCES:South Africa Rooibos Council, tea industry reports and reviews, medical press
CAPTION: Rooibos only grows in the mountainous Cederberg region near Clanwilliam, about 155 miles (250 km) north of Cape Town, South Africa.

Check out these exhibitors at the World Tea Expo, June 11-13, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada to learn more about rooibos.
Cederberg Tea Co., Booth NB13
DMH Ingredients Inc. / Rooibos Ltd., Booth 400
Harney & Sons Tea Co., Booth 632