Davidson’s Organic TeasReleases 12 New Blends and Shares #LeafToCup Journey

Sparks, Nevada-based Davidson’s Organic Teasrecently added 12 new tea blends to its repertoire of more than 300, announceda company pressrelease.
The diverse array of new products includes, four new ChineseTea Blends (Chun Mee Green, Imperial Yellow, Moonlight White and Jade Oolong,which were released in February); Children’s tea (March release); Citrus CoolMint (May release); Tulsi Turmeric Ginger (June release); two Earl Grey blends,and three Cacao blends.
The company will introduce the two Earl Grey blends this summer. Earl Grey Cream contains a touch of vanilla, and Earl Grey Rose has a hint of floral.
The three Cacao blends—vanilla, rose, and peppermint—willlaunch this October.
Brief educational videos and photos on Davisdon’s OrganicTeas’ social media pages depict each step in #LeafToCup journey—from thesourcing from family-owned tea farms in India to the tea processing at thevertically integrated facility in Nevada. People can access the material byfollowing the @davidsonsteas handle on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
“We wanted to showcase how special the #LeafToCup processis, and bring our customers on a global tea journey,” said Davidson’s OwnerKunall Patel. “It’s important to connect ancient tradition to western trends,highlighting the history, culture and passion behind every cup.”
Patel interviews tea farmers in top tea producing countries,explains the value of organic cultivation and fair trade practices, and breaksdown the steps of the vertically integrated tea production process.
“We’re in the season of rebirth, renewal and growth, and wewant to provide a natural, refreshing way to bring balance into the everydaylifestyle,” said Patel.
Fitness Enthusiast FormulatedFunctional Teas to Support Performance and Recovery

Toronto, Ontario-based fitness and wellness specialist David Newtonhas teamed up with Canadian organic tea company Lemon Lily to create two functionalteas meant for supporting physical and mental health.
Newton’s knowledge and experiences from more than 25 yearsas a fitness instructor, as well as his observations of people not adequatelyrefueling their bodies inspired him to formulate nourishing teas.
Newton decided to provide healthy alternatives to artificialenergy enhancers and relaxers with his tea blends: Rital: Up, and Ritual: Down.Both incorporate beneficial herbs and superfoods.
Ritual: Up is made of organic green tea, organicelderberries, organic cherries, organic golden berries and organic chaga. The blendis meant to “gently stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, offering an evenand healthy energy boost,” according to Newton.
Ritual: Down is a mix of organic lemongrass, organicchamomile, organic peppermint, organic nettle, organic dandelion leaf, andorganic butterfly pea flower, which produces a blue tea when steeped. Thisblend is intended to “gently stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system,offering healthy clearing and calm,” states DavidNewtonWellness.com.