SkinTe Adds toCollagen Sparkling Tea Line

Portland, Oregon-based SkinTe has added Hibiscus Vanilla to its Collagen Sparkling Tea line. This new blend is the only caffeine-free flavor in the collection of three teas. The others are: Green Tea Grapefruit, and White Tea Ginger.
The company was formed by three women: Natural MedicineDoctor Amy Bader, Chef Elizabeth Zieg, and Business School graduate BassimaMroue. Their combined talents came into play when creating products on their “missionto unleash health and beauty from the inside out, every day,” says SkinTe’s website.
They chose to incorporate collagen into their productsbecause it is the human body’s most abundant protein and provides thefoundation for healthy skin, hair, nails, bones, tendons, ligaments, andcartilage, teeth and blood vessels.
Every SkinTe product contains at least 3000 milligrams ofcollagen, which is mixed with super herbs such as horsetail and nettle root,and tea. The result is a collection of beverages that support well-being andbeauty that starts from within.
Riff Cold BrewedLaunches Sparkling Coffee Cherry Tea

Bend, Oregon-based RiffCold Brewed introduced a its new Alter Ego Sparkling Coffee Fruit Tea,reported TheSpoon.
The ready-to-drink beverage is made from the peel or“cherry” that surrounds a coffee bean, also called cascara, which is usuallydiscarded after coffee beans are harvested. “This allows farmers to turn theirspent cherries into a new revenue stream. It can be a good uplift for mostlyfamily-owned farms,” Paul Evers, Co-Founder and CEO of Riff, told TheSpoon.
Other companies have introduced cascara beverages in recentyears, but Riff said his company’s cascara is distinguishable because it ismore smooth and light than those of some other companies, which over-extractfrom the coffee cherry.
The cascara used in Alter Ego is cold brewed and lightlysweetened, with only 6 grams of sugar and 35 calories per serving. At 105milligrams of caffeine, it is equivalent to a cup of coffee.
Alter Ego is currently distributed in the Pacific Northwest.