Maria Uspenski, founder and CEO of The Tea Spot, will present a special session on the health benefits of tea at the Los Angeles Tea Festival on Saturday, Aug. 10, 2019, at 11:30 a.m. at the Magic Box @ The REEF in downtown Los Angeles. The Tea Spot is a leading producer of handcrafted whole leaf teas and Steepware, and the company donates 10 percent of all sales in-kind to cancer survivors and community wellness programs.
LosAngeles Tea Festival --- which will take place Aug. 10-11 and is open to teaenthusiasts and those interested in learning about tea --- is expected to attractmore than 4,500 attendees. Now in its ninth year, Los Angeles Tea Festival isthe nation's largest tea festival, featuring two days of tea talks, exhibitsand tea culture.
"Los Angeles Tea Festival is all about uniting tea enthusiasts," says Uspenski, who's also the author of the book Cancer Hates Tea. "I'm thrilled to connect with festival attendees this August and share how tea fits into a healthy on-the-go lifestyle."
Uspenski,whose presentation is titled "Drink to Your Health with CamelliaSinensis," will journey through the science, the how-to's and the mythssurrounding tea. She'll begin with an overview of tea's history and culturaltraditions as a health beverage, and then share the nuts and bolts of how teacan help to keep you healthy, happy and hydrated. She'll also look at what'strending in the world of tea and offer tips on how to easily bring tea intoeveryday nutrition and hydration routines.
Immediatelyfollowing the presentation, Uspenski will be available to sign copies of Cancer Hates Tea, where Uspenskishares what she has learned and experienced about how tea works to help thebody's defenses against cancer.

"Attendeesat the Los Angeles Tea Festival will learn about the many health benefits of acup of tea, and where those benefits derive from," says Uspenski."Overall, tea can improve one's health and wellness, along withfunctioning as a precautionary agent against disease in the human body."
In addition to Uspenki's presentation, the Los Angeles Tea Festival will feature countless opportunities to sip on top quality tea and engage in in-depth discussions and presentations on teas from every region. Attendees will try unique tea pairings and experience craft tea infused cocktails and boba, while enjoying the exhibits, colorful performances and activities.
"We'rethrilled to feature tea industry expert Maria Uspenski and The Tea Spot at theupcoming Los Angeles Tea Festival, as well as the many otherparticipants," says Bianca Shah, CEO of InternationalTea Importers, which organizes the annual festival. "We look forwardto bringing the many flavors of tea from every region of the world --- right todowntown Los Angeles."
For the festival, The Tea Spot is including samples of its Rise and Chai tea in all attendee bags. Rise and Chai is specially blended to help boost your morning routine. This tea pairs velvet-smooth pu'erh tea with black teas, turmeric and other spices for a scrumptious morning cup packed with the natural health benefits of pu'erh and turmeric.To learn more about the Los Angeles Tea Festival, visit https://teafestivalla.com. To learn more about The Tea Spot, visit https://theteaspot.com or email [email protected].
TheTea Spot, Inc. is a leading producer of handcrafted loose leaf teas andcreator of Steepware® --- the housewares tools that make loose tea easy. Itsvision to modernize the loose leaf tea experience has held steadfast since thefor-profit philanthropic company was founded by Maria Uspenski in 2004, acancer survivor drawn to the health benefits of leaf tea during her recovery.Her message is simple and powerful: Tea in its freshest form renders premiumflavor, unmatched health benefits, and is eco-friendly. The company's model ofsocial entrepreneurship incorporates its mission to foster health and wellnessthrough loose leaf tea with its 10% Pledge. Ten percent of every sale made isdonated in-kind to cancer and community wellness programs. The Tea Spot is aBoulder, Colorado-based woman owned and operated business. More at https://theteaspot.com.