Event Rescheduled for October15-18, 2020, in Denver, Colorado
NEW YORK, March 20, 2020 – Questex, the parent company of World Tea Conference + Expo, today announced it has beenforced to postpone the event due to the COVID-19 epidemic. Originally scheduledto run June 8-11, 2020, World Tea Conference + Expo has been rescheduled to October15-18, 2020, at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.
“We are facing an unprecedentedhealth situation,” said Paul Miller, CEO of World Tea Conference + Expo parentcompany, Questex. “The Federal government has asked that no more than 10 peoplegather in one place due to COVID-19, and the Governor of Colorado hasrecommended the cancellationof all public gatherings of more than 250people.Dueto the COVID-19 circumstances, we are forced to postpone World Tea Conference +Expo. We recognize the impact that the postponement has on the teacommunity. Our exhibitors, sponsors and speakers put in an enormous amount ofwork preparing for the event. This will be the first time in 18 yearsthe event has been forced to postpone. However,the health and safety of the tea community, and the broader community, isvitally important and it makes the event postponement unavoidable.”
For 18 years, World TeaConference + Expo has been the hub for tea industry professionals to cometogether with their passion of tea to learn, grow their businesses, and networkwith their peers, while building lasting partnerships and friendships. Theevent features more than 200 exhibits and hundreds of new tea products, 50+educational sessions and workshops, 65 speakers and an industry awardsceremony. Several thousand professionals and businesses from the internationaltea and beverage industry will attend, including buyers and decision makersfrom restaurants and bars, foodservice, retail, grocery, hotels, spas, and teaand coffeehouses, among others.
For more information onWorld Tea Conference + Expo, visit https://worldteaexpo.com.
AboutWorld Tea Conference + Expo
WorldTea Conference + Expo is the key annual event for the specialty teamarket, that offers education essential for tea shop owners, retailers andhospitality professionals, e-commerce business owners, distributors,manufacturers and aspiring entrepreneurs; and provides an important venue forexhibitors to showcase the latest products to the industry. World Tea Conference + Expo is part ofthe Bar & Restaurant Group, a division of Questex Hospitality, which alsoproduces World Tea Academy, and daily content on WorldTeaNews.com.
About Questex
Questex helps people livebetter and longer. Questex brings people together in themarkets that help people live better: travel, hospitality and wellness; the industriesthat help people live longer: life science and healthcare; and the technologies that enable and fuel these newexperiences. We live in the experience economy – connecting our ecosystem through live events, surrounded bydata insights and digital communities. We deliver experience and realresults. It happenshere.
Media Contact
Kate Spellman
Chief Marketing Officer
212 895 8488