Photo by Christine Kapperman
Time is running short to enter the 2018 World Tea Expo New Product Innovation Showcase and Awards.
The entry deadline has been extended to May 18.
The awards highlight the newest and most innovative products in the tea industry and put them front and center at the expo taking place June 12-14 in Las Vegas.
“Winning an award at this prestigious event does two invaluable things for a tea-centric business of any size. First, your product is put forth in front of countless potential buyers in the global tea trade, and secondly winning an award adds invaluable promotional value and status to any marketing platform for many years to come,” said Brian Keating, founder of tea industry consultancy Sage Group and World Tea Expo adviser. “For a nominal few extra dollars new products meeting the contest criteria are highlighted at World Tea Expo in Las Vegas within the new products showcases and receive highly leverageable publicity for their products.”
Award categories include:
Tea Brewing (Electric & Manual).
Tea Cups and Mugs.
Tea Accessories.
Innovative Packaging.
Publications & Books.
Tea Gifting, Special Promotions.
Tea Infused Food.
Sustainable Packaging.
New Teas.
A panel of tea experts will review entries this month. Awards will be announced on the show floor in Las Vegas.
Entered products will be showcased in the New Product Showcase on the expo floor.
For the complete rules and to enter, visit the awards page on