When I first came up with the idea for a North American trade show for the global tea Industry, the challenges I faced were far greater than the initial support that I received.
Some people said, “What a silly idea” or “That will never work.” Others said, “You’re crazy!”
Indeed, not everyone across the tea industry was receptive to a North American tea conference at first. They didn’t have the vision for bringing together the global industry to Las Vegas to learn, network, explore new products and conduct business.
In the early days of the World Tea Conference + Expo (which launched in 2003 and was first called Take Me 2 Tea), it took some convincing to get the industry on board. The few early supporters, however, were passionate about the idea and strong in their support, which was the main reason the event succeeded.
The Only Major North American Event for the Tea Industry
Initially, support for an industry event came from those few but key leaders and companies within the tea community – all of whom were truly excited about the idea and understood the need for a conference and expo like this.
Countless hours were spent on the phone and thousands of emails and faxes were sent to brew-up interest for the first-ever tea trade show in North America. Our team traveled to every beverage and food show that we could, walked endless aisles, and connected with every lead imaginable to find support for the expo. However, for most folks in the industry during that time, the idea of a “tea show” just wasn’t exciting or conceivable to them.
Flash forward 20 years later: The World Tea Conference + Expo has been the only major North American show in the tea industry that brings together buyers, producers, importers, retailers and more from all over the globe.

And as the tea industry has changed and evolved over the last two decades – including a shift from tea being just a stand-alone beverage to an ingredient in cosmetics, cooking and even craft cocktails – so too has the World Tea Conference + Expo.
A New Vision for the Tea Industry’s Trade Show
In 2019, just before the global COVID-19 pandemic, Questex CEO Paul Miller took a long look at the World Tea Conference + Expo and saw major potential (Questex purchased the World Tea Conference + Expo and World Tea News in 2019). He had a vision for the event – like in the early days of show – and he thought the tea community was the perfect fit for Questex, which operates in various but related industries including hospitality. In fact, Paul is one major reason why the event – whether digital during the pandemic or in-person when it was right to re-convene – has thrived over the last two years during a very difficult time for the world.
Miller also put into place the proper management team for the World Tea Conference + Expo, led by Tim McLucas, Vice President of the Bar & Restaurant division of Questex. Tim has reached out to the tea industry at large, listened to their ideas and gathered their feedback, and has been 110 percent committed to doing everything he can to rebuild a new, re-imagined World Tea Conference + Expo. Tim has had the vision and direction to build the event into a major destination for the growth of tea and the industry at large. And you certainly felt that energy at the live events in June 2021 and this past March in Las Vegas.
One recent innovation or step toward growing the World Tea Conference + Expo was expanding its audience through the very popular Bar & Restaurant Expo. Now, through the co-location of these two events, the tea industry can reach hospitality buyers – including restaurant and bar operators/owners, hospitality groups, chefs, mixologists and many more. In fact, the bar and restaurant industry is now using tea in its businesses, and they’ve found innovative ways to incorporate tea onto the menu and into infused cocktails and foods.
By bringing together the World Tea Conference + Expo and Bar & Restaurant Expo, restaurants can go from serving bad iced tea to serving delicious, premium iced tea – as just as one example of collaboration. The opportunities for partnership and education within this vertical market – which oftentimes thinks of tea as an afterthought – is genuinely exciting for the growth of tea.
Every attendee of the World Tea Conference + Expo – and that includes Bar & Restaurant Expo attendees that crossover to the tea trade show – can now taste and experience all the possibilities that are available to them, as a way to increase revenue through tea.
For restaurant and bar operators, as well as others in the hospitality sector, they’ll learn why tea is so wonderful, that making tea is not that difficult, and that it will yield the highest profit margin on their menu. They’ll also discover the many new ways that young entrepreneurs from the tea industry are taking a different approach to tea and herbal products… and they’ll get inspired!
As with most change that people face, there will always be questions and perhaps hesitation. And that’s just what I experienced some 20 years ago when my idea and vision was presented for a major tea event in North America.

A Tea Renaissance
Today, everyone in the tea community should be excited about where the World Tea Conference + Expo is headed, as an event that embraces all aspects and corners of the tea industry from seed to cup. And they should be excited about where the overall tea industry is headed in North America. Yes, we’re in the midst of a tea renaissance, and a renaissance just the same for our beloved tea event.
And just like the many tea pioneers before us who saw tea through a different lens, and who had the most interesting ways of reaching out to their "tribes" about tea, the World Tea Conference + Expo is doing the same thing right now. Don’t call these leaders misguided, call them brave for having the courage to reach out and share their take on a very old beverage.
Drink in the passion of today’s tea pioneers and innovators – whether you agree or disagree with them – and understand that it might not be the old way of doing tea but an exciting new way that brings in the next generation of tea drinkers and tea lovers.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see better tea in your favorite restaurant? Wouldn’t it be nice to see better trained staff that know about tea? Wouldn’t it be nice to see even more TikTok-ers sharing their love or tea – whether it’s a cup of loose-leaf tea or boba or a craft tea cocktail? All of that is possible AND more if everyone would remember that tugging at a plant doesn’t make it grow faster, but watering and tending to it will produce a better crop.
Welcome to the tea renaissance! I can’t wait to see you at the World Tea Conference + Expo, March 27-29, 2023, as we continue to elevate and expand the tea industry in new directions.
FaithAnn Bailes is the conference and content manager for the World Tea Conference + Expo. She can be reached at [email protected].
Plan to Attend or Participate in the
World Tea Conference + Expo, March 27-29, 2023
To learn about other key developments, trends, issues, hot topics and products within the global tea community, plan to attend the World Tea Conference + Expo, March 27-29, 2023 in Las Vegas, co-located with Bar & Restaurant Expo. Visit WorldTeaExpo.com.
To book your sponsorship or exhibit space at the World Tea Conference + Expo, or to enquire about advertising and sponsorship opportunities at World Tea News, contact:
Ellainy Karaboitis-Christopoulos
Business Development Manager, Questex
Phone: +1-212-895-8493
Email: [email protected]
Also, be sure to stay connected with the World Tea Conference + Expo on social media for details and insights about the event. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.