Inside the Tea Industry with Sharyn Johnston: The 2024 Colombo International Tea Convention

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The 2024 Colombo International Tea Convention took place from August 21 to 23 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, with the theme: Tea as a Lifestyle and Livelihood. It was an eagerly awaited event as it is always an exciting time for the global tea industry.

The event was organized by the Colombo Tea Traders association and included tea industry leaders, experts, and enthusiasts from around the world.

Some of the major discussion points were:

  • Tea: what’s hot and what’s not
  • The value of tea: achieving the right price for the quality
  • Equitably passing the price down the value chain
  • Tech and Tea: An orthodox pairing for a promising future
  • Tea, a Livelihood: Crafting a better future for the people of tea

The convention helped explore how tea has transcended its role as a simple drink to become a symbol of hospitality, a medium for social interaction, and a contributor to health and wellbeing.

It was great to experience tea from different regions of Sri Lanka, and this experience helped share the cultural significance of tea in the different regions. Each of the growing regions of Sri Lanka offer a diverse flavor difference.

The convention also shared some of the trends in tea consumption and the rise of specialty teas that cater to the evolving tastes of modern consumers.

One of the highlights was a presentation on the health benefits of tea, emphasizing its role in promoting wellness.

colombo international tea convention 2024
Colombo regional teas on display at the convention. (Photo: Sharyn Johnston)

Tea as a Livelihood

The theme, “Tea: A Lifestyle and Livelihood,” covered the importance of tea as a source of income for millions of people, particularly in developing countries.

The convention also explored the role of technology in shaping the future of the tea industry. The session on precision agriculture was extremely interesting. It shared information on machinery that can help optimize tea production and digital marketing strategies that enable tea producers to reach new markets. 

The integration of technology in tea production and distribution is seen as a key driver for future growth, particularly in enhancing the quality and traceability of tea.


Networking and Cultural Exchange

The convention has always provided a platform for networking and cultural exchange, with participants from over 40 countries.

At the event, there was also a small trade exhibition where companies could showcase their products, innovations, and services.

Guests were offered the opportunity to visit some of Sri Lanka’s famous tea estates, gaining insights into the traditional methods of tea production and the rich heritage of Sri Lankan tea.

The teas tasted during the event were from seven of the Agro-climatic regions of Ceylon Tea. These include Nuwara Eliya, Uda Pussellawa, Dimbula, Uva, Kandy, Sabaragamuwa, and Ruhuna.

There was an exciting charity tea auction for Ceylon Specialty Tea with over two hundred people in attendance. The teas were auctioned off by famous Ceylon tea auctioneers. The crowd was started and stirred by the infamous auctioneer Anil Cooke with the highest amount of LKR 2.6 million (USD 8688) being paid for a half a kilo of Sabaragamuwa Sithaka OP1 in a beautiful glass framed tea casket.

colombo international tea convention 2024
The convention included a charity tea auction for Ceylon Specialty Tea. (Photo: Sharyn Johnston)

The Colombo International Tea Convention 2024, with its theme “Tea: A Lifestyle and Livelihood,” was a landmark event for the global tea industry.

As the world of tea continues to evolve, this convention will serve as a vital forum for sharing knowledge, fostering innovation, and charting information on how to achieve a sustainable future for one of the world’s most cherished beverages.


Plan to Attend or Participate in World Tea Expo, March 24-26, 2025

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