Maria Uspenski, founder and CEO of The Tea Spot, will present at the first annual Chicago International Tea Festival, taking place Nov. 1 - 3, 2019, at the Holiday Inn Mart Plaza in the River North neighborhood of Chicago. Uspenski will share insights on being "Healthy, Happy and Hydrated with Teas and Functional Herbs." The session will take place on Sunday, Nov. 3 at 1 p.m. The Tea Spot is a leading producer of handcrafted whole leaf teas and Steepware, and the company donates 10 percent of all sales in-kind to cancer survivors and community wellness programs.
"Manyinnovative products promoting health benefits are constantly being introducedin the beverage industry," said Uspenski. "To no surprise, tea andfunctional herb-based offerings are widely popular in this space of wellness,often touted as nature's elixirs of youth. During my session at the ChicagoInternational Tea Festival, we'll journey through the science, the how-to's andthe myths surrounding these functional botanicals, beginning with an overviewof tea's history and cultural traditions as a health beverage."
Uspenski's presentation will also take a deep dive into tea's benefits --- where they derive from and how tea functions as a precautionary agent against disease in the human body. Attendees will find out what's trending currently in functional herbs and get tips on how to easily up-level everyday nutrition and hydration routines.
Inaddition to Uspenski's presentation, the Chicago International Tea Festivalwill feature numerous tea merchants and vendors from all around the world,craftspeople who create tea-related art, workshops, lectures, tastings andnetworking to enhance one's knowledge of everything tea. The overalleducational program will feature more than 40 speakers in more than a hundredclasses and special events.
"TheChicago International Tea Festival is a unique, hybrid event where food andbeverage industry professionals can gather, learn and taste with the tea-lovingpublic," noted Uspenski. "I'm thrilled to participate and educate teaenthusiasts about the health benefits of tea."
At The Tea Spot, Uspenki's mission is to empower healthier living through the everyday enjoyment of whole leaf tea. Her Colorado-based philanthropic company believes tea in its freshest form is sustainable and renders exceptional flavor and unmatched health benefits. Uspenski is also the author of Cancer Hates Tea, and she was recognized as the "Top Tea Health Advocate" at World Tea Expo 2017.
To learn more about The Tea Spot, visit https://theteaspot.com or email [email protected]. To learn more about the Chicago International Tea Festival, visit https://www.citfest.com.
TheTea Spot, Inc. is a leading producer of handcrafted loose leaf teas andcreator of Steepware® --- the housewares tools that make loose tea easy. Itsvision to modernize the loose leaf tea experience has held steadfast since thefor-profit philanthropic company was founded by Maria Uspenski in 2004, acancer survivor drawn to the health benefits of leaf tea during her recovery.Her message is simple and powerful: Tea in its freshest form renders premiumflavor, unmatched health benefits, and is eco-friendly. The company's model ofsocial entrepreneurship incorporates its mission to foster health and wellnessthrough loose leaf tea with its 10%Pledge. Ten percent of every sale made is donated in-kind to cancer andcommunity wellness programs. The Tea Spot is a Boulder, Colorado-based womanowned and operated business. More at https://theteaspot.com.